last update 29 May 2011 
  Russian Radiation Commission

(ISARD - 2011)

21 - 24 June 2011, Saint-Petersburg-Petrodvorets, 1 Ulyanovskaya


St.Petersburg-Petrodvorets, June 21 - 24, 2011


Dear Colleagues

I would like to let you know that the St.Petersburg State University will hold the International Symposium on Atmospheric Radiation and Dynamics (ISARD-2011) in St/Petersburg June 21-24, 2011.

Your participation will very much contribute to the success of the Symposium and numerous personal contacts will enhance the exchange of scientific information.

The deadline for submission of abstracts to ISARD-2011 - May 1, 2011.

Sections available:

1. Satellite sounding of atmosphere and surface (passive and active sounding, physics-mathematical basis, interpretation methods, results and analysis of satellite sounding, extant and projected experiments and new technique).

2. Remote sensing of atmosphere and underlying surface in different spectral ranges (ground-based, aircraft and balloon sounding, physics-mathematical basis, interpretation methods, results, synergetic methods).

3. Radiative transfer theory (atmosperic molecular spectroscopy, transfer of solar and atmospheric radiation, transfer of polarized and non-LTE radiation, radiative transfer in 3-D media, etc.).

4. Radiation-cloud and radiation-aerosol interactions (interaction characteristics - calculations and experiments, field and laboratory studies, aerosol and cloud optical and microphysics characteristics, aerosol radiation forcing, methods of optical diagnostics of atmospheric aerosol and cloudiness).

5. Radiative climatology and algorithms in models for weather and climate forecasting (radiative algorithms and validation, radiative regime of underlying surface and atmosphere, Earth radiation budget - measurements and modeling).

6. Studies of radiative characteristics of atmosphere and surface (instrumentation for measuring the atmospheric radiation characteristics and remote sensing of the atmosphere and underlying surface, results of compex investigation projects).

7. Wave characteristics, macrocirculation and dynamics interactions in atmospheres of the Earth and other planets (observations and numerical modeling of the macrocirculation of middle and upper atmosphere.
Measurements of characteristics and structure of global waves and waves from local sources. Modeling of generation, propagation and interaction of atmospheric waves. Wave action on the atmospheric macrocirculation and turbulence. Dependence of atmospheric wave movement from other dynamics processes in atmosphere, hydrosphere, firm ground and
space influence. Dynamics interaction of different atmospheric layers).

8. Structure of middle and upper atmosphere of the Earth and other planets (observations of vertical distributions of temperature, pressure, density and their different variations in the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. Analysis and models of the radiative budget and its components for these atmospheric layers. Observations of neutral gaseous and aerosol structures and their different variations in the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. Modeling of gaseous and aerosol composition in these atmospheric layers. Connection of the structure and conposition of these layers with dynamics processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, firm ground and space processes (at Sun etc.).

9. Photochemistry and kinetics of excited states of atoms and molecules and non-LTE radiation in the atmosphere of the Earth and other planets (observations and modeling of non-LTE radiation in middle and upper atmosphere in UV, visible, IR and microwave ranges. Photochemistry and kinetics of excited states of neutral atoms and molecules, dependence of excitation degree on processes in atmosphere, its temperature and composition and on external sources. Application of non-LTE radiation observations for studying the atmospheric structure, composition and different dynamics processes in atmosphere).

Working languages of the Symposium are English and Russian.

Registration form:

1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Badge Nickname
4. Job Title
5. Preliminary Title of your report (with the Section number)
6. Organization
7. Address
8. City
9. State
10. Country
11. Postal Code
12. Telephone
13. Fax
14. E-mail

Abstract submission guidelines:

1. No equations, tables or figures
2. Limit to one page (including author information) (A4 single spaced, all margins - 2 cm, 12pt)
3. Centered title followed by name(s) of author(s), affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address
4. Indicate preferred Section
5. Indicate Oral or Poster presentation

Program Committee

Online registration

Online abstract submission

Cultural Program NEW!

Scientific Program NEW!

You can find a detailed information on the ISARD-2011 on the SITE.

Sincerely yours
Prof. Yury Timofeyev
Chairman of the Russian Radiation Commission
Chairman of the ISARD-2011 Organizing Committee


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   created on 24 December 2010, last updated on 29 May 2011
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